Marion Reads: To Kill a Mockingbird

There is always one book that changes your life (and hopefully sometimes more). For me, it was To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I just really love this book, and I loved my 11th grade teacher who made me read this book (she rocked!!!!). If you haven't read it - well, what is your problem? Anyhow, there is a character in the book named Boo Radley - he is a quiet presence. And whenever I space (What? I space? - No, not me) I always think, "Oh, I'm having a Boo Radley moment." I would like to take credit for this ingenious expression, but really it comes from the movie Benny and Joon starring the incomporable Johnny Depp (No seriously - he does rock!!!).
Why - you may ask - are you talking about To Kill a Mockingbird? Well, soon the Marion Public Library will be working with several area locations (including the Palace Theater and OSUM) to host a big community reads event called Marion Reads. We are going to ask all of Marion to read To Kill a Mockingbird and we will be having several cool events to coincide with the reading. In fact, we will wrap it all up with a presentation of To Kill a Mockingbird at the Marion Palace Theater on April 23rd.
You never know, maybe this book will chang

e your life like it did mine . . .
Here's a bonus pic - Benny and Joon
"Having a Boo Radley moment, are we?"
Bonus Benny and Joon quote (just for fun - a discussion about raisins):
Sam: You don't like raisins?
Joon: Not really.
Sam: Why?
Joon: They used to be fat and juicy and now they're twisted. They had their
lives stolen. Well, they taste sweet, but really they're just humiliated
grapes. I can't say I am a big supporter of the raisin council.
Sam: Did you see those, those raisins on TV? The ones that sing and dance
and stuff?
Joon: They scare me.
Sam: Yeah me too