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Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Booed off of the stage

As I write this, I am at the Teen CoffeeHouse with about 43 of our "rockingest" teens. We meet on Tuesdays after school (3:30 - 5:oo PM, most Tuesdays check calendar for exact dates) and we usually play Guitar Hero or watch a movie. There is food of course. I played Miss Hanna today in Guitar Hero (version 3 if you must know) - and it did not say that I rocked. I got an 82%, but no one was impressed. In school, that would be a good solid B. But in Guitar Hero, it is less than impressive. So join us next Tuesday and see if you can beat my score. But be warned, if you are really bad - the game itself will boo you off of the stage (I know this from sad sad experience).

Friday, April 18, 2008

Welcome . . . and all that

Just in time for summer, Marion Public Library teen services is going live on the blog scene. You can check here to find out everything cool going on for teens: Programs and contests, awesome new books, prize winners and more! I promise to update this blog at least once a week(ish).

This month's activities:

Express Yourself Teen Poetry Contest
Teens grades 6-12 are invited to enter their original works of poetry into our teen poetry contest. One middle school winner and one high school winner will be selected and will receive a $20.00 gift certificate. In addition, your winning poem will be published in our newsletter - and right here in this blog. How cool is that?

Free Comic Book Day
Join us on Saturday, May 3rd for Free Comic Book Day. Each teen grades 6-12 will receive one free comic book of their choice (while supplies last) provided by Brad's Bookstore. Some of the comics being offered this year include The Simpsons and the X-Men. For more information about Free Comic Book Day, visit http://www.freecomicbookday.com/