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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Teen Summer Reading Club is Here!!!!
This is your chance to win an iPod Touch or Wii
How you ask? Simple - READ!!!
For every book you read from now until July 11th, fill out a ballot and place it into our prize drawing box in the teen area or one of the branches. Each entry is your chance to win.
There are prize drawings every 2 weeks for gift cards to Subway, Burger King, Kroger, Wal Mart and Cold Stone Creamery. There are 10 winners every two weeks (for those of you who have already forgotten your math, that's 30 winners.) Then all of the entries will go into the Grand Prize Drawing. One lucky winner will get their choice of an iPod Touch or a Wii.
We also have fun activities every Tuesday from 3:30 - 5:00 PM
June 9 - Guitar Hero
June 16 - Movie and Snacks
June 23 - Guitar Hero
June 30 - Movie and Snacks
July 7 - Rock Band Luau
See you there . . .

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