Adult authors writing for teens. James Patterson is doing it with the Maximum Ride series and The Dangerous Days of Daniel X. Neil Gaiman does it (Coraline).
Now - you can get both trends in one place with this handy two for one deal: The Madison Avery series by Kim Harrison. Kim Harrison is the popular adult author of the paranormal series starring Rachel Morgan, who happens to be a witch.
In Once Dead, Twice Shy teen Madison Avery has been struck dead. Well, kinda. She is in a kind of purgatory. Here she is helping Barnabas, the light reaper, try to fend off the dark reaper who is taking the souls of those making serious life altering decisions. Madison's new death is quite the challenge. (Early to Death, Early to Rise is book 2 in the Madison Avery series.)
For other series with fallen angels, try Fallen by Lauren Kate (Torment, book 2 in this series, comes out on September 28th) and Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick (Crescendo, book 2 in this series, comes out on October 19th).

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