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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gratuitous Twilight Shout Out of the Day

Okay, for the record - I am not a Twilight maniac. Or a "Twifan" as I recently heard. I mean, I have the soundtrack (and the score). I've read the books (but I vehemently hated, loathed and was extremely irked by Breaking Dawn). But I know that some of you - well you are Fans - with a capital F I tell ya. So I thought you would appreciate hearing that there is in fact going to be a line of Edward and Bella Barbie dolls. You can read more about it at http://twilightguide.com/tg/2009/04/22/edward-bella-twilight-barbie-dolls/

And for the record, when I was a huge X-files fan - well, I was deeply upset that I could not afford the $80.00 Mulder and Scully Barbies. So I understand fandom, that is why I am here for you.

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