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Friday, October 30, 2009

Books and Movies, Movies and Books

So I go everyday and look at Popwatch (the Entertainment Weekly blog about popular culture) and lo and behold, it turns out The Diary of a Wimpy Kid is being made into a movie (get more info here http://popwatch.ew.com/2009/10/30/first-look-diary-wimpy-kid/). Everywhere you look, books are being made into movies. In January, Percy Jackson and the Olympians is being made into a movie. Well, more technically, it is being made into a movie right now and it will be released sometime next year.

Sometimes it is awesome to see a book made into a move - I loved loved loved The Vampire's Assistant movie that I saw last Saturday (2 thumbs up I say). I did not, however, love love love Twilight. In fact, I kind of thought that Kristen Stewart and, dare I say it, Robert Pattison were not that great of actors. First off (please don't stone me) - I think Edward should be way hotter. Seriously. I will, of course, be going to see New Moon and hoping that somehow they have improved in their abilities. But I probably won't be holding my breath. I don't look good in blue.

But back to the Vampire's Assistant - maybe it helped that I hadn't really read the books (gasp, it is true - I have read every vampire book in our teen collection EXCEPT for this series). Anyhow, because I hadn't read them, I had no pre-conceived notions of what I expected. However, having seen the movie, I really want to go back and read the books and see what they are like. The movie is a lot of fun. The actor playing Cresley was PERFECTLY cast (unlike Bella and Edward, cough cough). And in a brilliant meta moment, the first scene in the movie is a bucket of popcorn - thus you know what you are in for, a fun, campy, popcorn movie. And it did not disappoint. If you asked, I would totally go see it again - but you are going to have to buy the popcorn :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

Random Facts About Your Favorite Books->Movies

I would be a negligent Teen Services Librarian if I did not tell you that there was an awesome New Moon trailer available for your viewing pleasure at Fandango.com (http://www.fandango.com/hdmovietrailers/exclusivetvspotevent-1303163152/)

And I am going tomorrow night to see Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant so I can give you my review. This popular vampire series has in fact been made into a graphic novel series which is being processed right now as we speak. So be sure to come in soon and check it out.

In fact, lots of teen novels are being made into graphic novels right now: Vampire Kisses, Cirque Du Freak, Maximum Ride and even Avalon High by Meg Cabot. I'll work on getting a more complete list to you next week.

Keep enjoying Teen Read Week 2009. Join the Read, Read, Revolution.

Dance Dance Revolution 2009

Hey Everybody, thanks for coming and hanging for the Dance Dance Revolution - as demonstrated to the left by one of our Teen Read Week 2009 participants.

Tomorrow, Saturday, is the final day for entry ballots to be turned in. I'll be calling a winner next week.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Teen Read Week is Next Week

Teen Read Week is October 19-24th - and you can win!!!!!

For every 15 minutes that you read, fill out an entry form and place it into our prize drawing box for your chance to win a $50.00 gift certificate.

Also, try to guess the number of pieces of candy in our Candy Guess Jar for your chance to win all of the candy. Just in time for Halloween.

Join us Tuesday at 3:00 for Dance, Dance, Revolution at the Teen CoffeeHouse.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Ellen Schreiber Came, Conquered

Yesterday was an awesome day for teens in the Marion area - Ellen Schreiber (author of the Vampire Kisses series) came and talked about her books and sign copies. Ellen was a lot of fun. Teens in the audience, including one Marion teen whom Ellen knew and described as her "biggest fan", asked really great questions about the characters, the storylines and the art work. Ellen talked about making her books into manga and reported that her Vampire Kisses number 3 manga was on the New York Times manga best seller list - it is the only U.S. title on the list.

Thanks Ellen for such a great event, and thanks to all the teen fans for coming out and showing her the love.

Ellen signed pretty much everything - backpacks, jackets,
school i.d. cards and yes, copies of her books.

Ellen's #1 stalker, I mean fan :) --->

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Guest Teen Blogger - Connie

At the Marion Public Library writer Ellen Schreiber spoke about her books Vampire Kisses, as well as her previous books. In my own opnion she is a very interesting, talented writer.
Since I am in journalism I came here to see her speak about her books. During her talk she described her life and why she wrote Vampire Kisses. When I talked with her afterwards she took the time to talk with me about her writing and her inspirations. Unlike what I had expected she was very enthusiastic and open to answer my questions. Originally her books were released in Belgium and then spread to the U.S. If anyone is interested in her writing I suggest to do so, she is a talented author. Another thing, if she is doing a book signing near you, I suggest you go. It is a great time to find out about her writing and the background to the stories.

9th grader, Harding