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Friday, February 5, 2010

More Teen Fiction Coming to the CW

Are you loving the Vampire Diaries on the CW? Or maybe you are a Gossip Girls fan. Both of these series are based on teen book series. The CW has now optioned the rights to another teen book series to be developed into a TV show: Betwixt by Tara Bray Smith.

The lives of Morgan, Ondine and Nix have always been touched on the edges by a mystery. One night, Morgan wakes to find blood under her fingernails. When Ondine looks at a painting, it comes alive. And Nix sees halos of light around people that are about to die. At a secret summer rave in the woods, the three teenagers learn of their true, changeling nature and their uncertain, intertwined destinies.

Read the book before the series premieres on the CW . . .

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