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Monday, March 15, 2010

Never Judge a Book By Its Cover?

You know you've done it. We all have. You walk up to the shelf and there sits a book - you think it might be good, but man is that cover lame. The truth is, the cover art on a book is in fact one of the main things that draw us to a book. So is the title. And lots of time we don't even get past the first page if it doesn't draw us in.

Right now on Goodreads (which is a site that helps you keep track of the books you read and rate and share your reviews - kind of like Facebook for readers) they are rating book covers. Amazingly, almost all of the top 50 books rated as having the best covers are teen books (http://www.goodreads.com/list/show/4581.Judge_A_Book_By_Its_Cover_)

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