3 day jump start on the upcoming Celebrity Mash-Ups contest. People are doing amazing things with technology - and creating some freaky pictures. Practice your Internet searching skills to discover what 2 celebrities make up each 1 picture for your chance to win a $10.00 gift certificate. You'll need to identify both celebrity halves in each picture to win. Most correct answers wins, a random drawing will break a tie.
While you are out there searching the webs, see what kind of cool pics you can find. And hey, you may even want to try your hand at creating some cools pics of your own. The skills will come in handy for next month's Draw It contest - your chance to draw the artwork for our 2010 Summer Reading Club.
Here are some cool photo galleries for you to check out:
www.freakingnews.com (A gallery which highlights photoshopped pictures generated from the news.)
www.worth1000.com (Artist galleries and contests. An awesome collection of fun and creative photos. They have a great set of mash-up photos of celebrities mashed up with art masterpieces.)
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