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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The Teen Scene on Twitter

Look to your left and what do you see? That's right - we're on Twitter now. I am just twitterpated. I am not, however, a twit. Ha. But I guess that means I will have to tweet. Lots of bird lingo involved her. And I got all techno savvy and put the Twitter feeds right here on the blog. I looked up how to do it, that's what we librarians do - look things up. So now I guess the Teen Scene is all caught up technology wise. Until, you know, 5 minutes from now when the next big technology wave comes out. Actually, it probably will literally be a wave - Google Wave that is.

Speaking of Google, go to google.com and put in Chuck Norris. Now hit "I'm feeling lucky". Go ahead, I'll wait. Funny isn't it? Thanks Foz for pointing out that bit of Google fun for me.

Anyhow, if you want to follow the Teen Scene on twitter we are TeenServicesMPL. Or just keep checking back here - you can get the latest Twitter updates, book reviews, movie news and happenings here at MPL.

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