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Monday, January 25, 2010

Fallen Book Trailer

I admit it, I'm obsessed with book trailers. How cool are they, come on?

But actually, I am reading this book right now. Literally, right this very moment. And if you are a fan of Twilight - chances are you will love this new series. Fallen is book number one. Luce is sent to Sword and Cross reformatory school after a night that she can't remember ends with her date going up in flames, literally. She doesn't know what happened, but she knows is must have something to do with the dark shadows she always sees. On her first day at Sword and Cross she meets Daniel, but she can't escape the feeling that she has met him before. Soon there is another fire and other strange happenings. And there is Cam - he too seems to be interested in Luce. But which one is good for her - if any of them are? It seems that is has all happened before. Can they stop it from happening again?

Other books you may be interested in: Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia, Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater, Need by Carrie Jones, Meridian by Amber Kizer, The Immortals series by Alyson Noel

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